Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Swinging Cheerleaders, Exploitation Nirvana

Cheerleaders! Despite the politically correct garbage of modern society, this is the only female sport we actually care about. Women's soccer (or football)? Please! The WNBA? Don't make me laugh! The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders? Now we're talking. Throw in the Raiderettes, the USC cheerleaders, and the cat-fighting Carolina Panther cheerleaders and we have an entire feminist movement that has put the sports their included in to shame. The NFL has been a bore-a-thon for 30 years, but the cheerleaders have actually shown up and worked hard to put smiles on the faces of the fans. All praise to exploitation maven Jack Hill for his 1974's "The Swinging Cheerleaders."

The sultry Kate (Jo Johnstone), who is shacking up with campus radical Ron (Ian Sander) is writing a term paper. The paper is called "The Swinging Cheerleaders" and will chronicle the male exploitation of females on college campuses. Her belief is cheerleaders are the best example of this. To further her research, she tries out for the Mesa State University cheerleading squad. Her goal is to see firsthand of the exploitation she believes exists. She makes the squad. The squad is headed up by Mary Ann (Colleen Camp), and features Lisa (Rosanne Katon), and Andrea (Rainbeaux Smith). The cheerleaders get nude a lot and have a lot of pre-marital sex with football players. Uh oh...woman's libber Kate finds she likes being exploited and having pre-marital sex with football players...and turns 100% cheerleader. This ticks off her former boyfriend, Ron, who arranges a gang-rape of Andrea...not that she will mind this.

Enough of Ron...he's so gauche! Through frolicking and flirting, Kate learns of a gambling conspiracy that could threaten Mesa State's undefeated season. She gets naked and intimate with the quarterback, Buck (Ron Hajak) and together, with the other cheerleaders, and all their nudity and frolicking, conspire to thwart the point shaving plan. Seduction, jumping around, pre-marital sex, and partying are all part of Kate's plan to fight evil gamblers. As ticked-off wives and gambling thugs seek to siss-boom-rah these beautiful cheerleaders, our gals just shake some more and flaunt their wares.

Will the beset cheerleaders frolic and jiggle enough to outsmart a dangerous gambling syndicate? Are there any cat-fights among our nubile cheerleaders in this plot?  Is the playful gang-banging of Andrea by left-wing campus radicals, something that may offend the modern PC crowd? This is a fun one and a much better film than anything Cate Blanchett has ever done. To stroke some prurient desires, don't apologize, and see "The Swinging Cheerleaders."   

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you could have skipped the plot and went into the shower scenes.... I've been told by an insider, the only reason to go to the footy, is to watch the cheerleaders grope each other in the shower, live feeds included in the ticket.
