Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dirty Blondes from Beyond, Spacebabes, Lesbian Sex, Threesomes

Fred Olen Ray never disappoints. Is there anything that warms the heart like alluring spacebabes in tight costumes and hooker boots seeking wild lesbian sex with each other? Yes there is. They will discover men and the wild lesbian sex will turn to a more heterosexual variant. This is one for men...women will just roll their eyes and tell their partners, "don't get any ideas, stud!" There will be a lot of nudity in which a quarter of the run-time is wild sex. From 2012, let us look at "Dirty Blondes from Beyond."

Just to give you guys some cover, we'll outline a plot...just in case anyone asks you what this film was about. The sultry Princess Farra (Brandin Rackley) is waiting to sign a treaty with enemy Empress Krella (Christine Nguyen). To pass the time she engages in wild lesbian sex with her bodyguard Vema (Jazy Berlin). There are no men in her galaxy. Uh oh...Empress Krella attacks Farra's fleet and now Vema and Farra are on the run. Krella's ship pursues. Farra's ship malfunctions and they must land on Earth for repairs. Krella tells her aide, Tharis (Erika Jordan) that she desires Farra as a sex partner. Tharis is jealous and has wild lesbian sex with Krella. Meanwhile, Vema and Farra land and meet men for the first time. Biology takes over and some really well choreographed sex scenes follow including a threesome or two.

In pursuit are two federal agents, the sultry Argent Jones (Jenna Presley) and Agent Smith (Alex Boisvert). There is a lot of sexual tension between these two and I will let you guess where that eventually leads. The agents and a UFO investigator find Farra and Vema. Delighted with the "third leg" men seem to have, wild sex follows. Meanwhile, Tharis pursues and also has wild sex with the three legged species. Threesomes follow. As Tharis gets the drop on Farra and Vema, the duo must use stealth to escape. Meanwhile, Krella is not ready to take no for an answer and if Tharis doesn't return with the princess...there will be hell to pay.

Will Tharis capture the princess and if so will there be a wild sex scene between Krella and Farra? Will Smith break all the EEO guidelines (or mandates) of the federal government and stick it to Jones with his third leg? Is this DVD inappropriate to give to your wife or girlfriend for a gift, even though it does serve educational purposes?. Okay, you don't have to admit to watching this film, but to stoke your prurient desires, see "Dirty Blondes from Beyond." 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Mad Foxes, Massacres and Pre Marital Sex in Spain

A Nazi biker gang...nubile babes in states of undress...gory massacres...today we take a look at a vicious exploitation film from Spain, 1981's "Mad Foxes" ("Los Violadores"). Misogynistic in nature and over-the-top...this one has appeal for those who don't have patience for character development. Shot in Spain and directed by Paul Grau, the carnage in this film will be quite gory.
Arrogant rich guy, Hal (Jose Gras) drives through Spain in his Neufeld sports car looking to fondle and have pre-marital sex with Spanish babes. While doing this with Babsy (Andrea Albani), he gets in a feud with a Nazi biker gang and ends up killing one of them. The gang tracks him down, gang-rapes Babsy and beats him up. The next day, Hal leaves the raped and humiliated Babsy at the hospital and finds a TWA stewardess for pre-marital sex.  Hal enlists the help of a dozen karate buddies and they find the gang and beat them up. The Nazis respond with grenades and machine guns and massacre the karate club in most gory fashion. Hal is now on the run.
On his getaway he picks up the sultry Lilly, a hitchhiker. They'll have pre-marital sex. He'll bring her to his parents' country estate where they will continue to have pre-marital sex while his mom, dad, and housekeepers listen to the moans and groans they produce. The Nazi gang finds them. More massacres...machine guns, knives, and hedge-clippers shred his parents and their house staff. Disembowelment and brutality will rule the day. Hal leaves his new paramour with the rotting corpses and sets out on a rampage to kill every Nazi gang-member. What follows will be another massacre and more gore...and a very unusual surprise...you'll see.
Is leaving your sexual conquests with the corpses of your rotting parents a turn-on for beautiful Spanish women? Which side was Spain on when the Nazis bulldozed through Europe? Did we need this film to prove that any level of karate is insufficient when the aggressors have machine guns and grenades? Vicious, gory, and in many cases...heartbreaking is "Mad Foxes." If you can look past females being depicted as sexual toys and viciously raped and blown away...then "Mad Foxes" will succeed in stirring your prurient needs and whims. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Mistress of the Apes, Sultry Blonde and Ape-Men

So it isn't the most politically correct film out there...so sue me. I miss the 1970s cinema. Not everything was offensive. Even if it was offensive...tough! Today's films are idiotic and filled with unlikable protagonists. The men are neutered and the women are either tramps or masculine. Yep, give me 1970s exploitation cinema over any Christopher Nolan monstrosity. Today we look at 1979's "Mistress of the Apes," directed by Larry Buchanan.

Susan (Jenny Neumann)is rushed to the hospital to give birth. The baby is stillborn. The labor was put in jeopardy after three drug hoodlums accost a beautiful nurse (Dale Kalberg) and steal drugs, then shoot two cops...and knock Susan off the delivery table...don't ask. She takes this well and in a few days, Susan travels to Africa to search for her missing husband. The husband is quite dead, murdered by poachers after finding a tribe of the missing link. Susan meets up with handsome guide Paul (Garth Pillsbury). Yes, they'll have sex in the tent. This is not good news for magazine man David (Walt Robin). He is along to document the search for the missing link. See, David is in cahoots with the poachers and plots to kill Susan, Paul, and Laura (Barbara Leigh). Laura is David's unloving wife and is a real dish.

Susan goes off on her own and has no trouble finding the ape-men. Laura takes her top off and keeps getting raped and tortured, but keeps a positive attitude. Susan also takes her top off, only her sex is consensual, even with the ape-men. Now the poachers and David make their move to wipe out the expedition, the missing links, and Bantu maidens (don't ask). Laura will be raped and tortured and Susan will have sex with ape-men. Through it all, everyone stays happy and now Susan finds fulfillment. Uh oh, the heavily armed poachers aim to wipe out all witnesses and now Susan must introduce war into the ape-men culture.

Is a sultry blonde introduced into a tribe of two dozen ape-men a sure way to guarantee the tribe's extinction? Does the fulfilling sex with ape-men have anything to do with the...actually, never mind this question? Is there much of a difference between who Susan gets sex with and who Barbara gets sex with? This is a prurient tale that will offend many in 2021. For some raw cinematic enjoyment, see "Mistress of the Apes."

Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Swinging Cheerleaders, Exploitation Nirvana

Cheerleaders! Despite the politically correct garbage of modern society, this is the only female sport we actually care about. Women's soccer (or football)? Please! The WNBA? Don't make me laugh! The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders? Now we're talking. Throw in the Raiderettes, the USC cheerleaders, and the cat-fighting Carolina Panther cheerleaders and we have an entire feminist movement that has put the sports their included in to shame. The NFL has been a bore-a-thon for 30 years, but the cheerleaders have actually shown up and worked hard to put smiles on the faces of the fans. All praise to exploitation maven Jack Hill for his 1974's "The Swinging Cheerleaders."

The sultry Kate (Jo Johnstone), who is shacking up with campus radical Ron (Ian Sander) is writing a term paper. The paper is called "The Swinging Cheerleaders" and will chronicle the male exploitation of females on college campuses. Her belief is cheerleaders are the best example of this. To further her research, she tries out for the Mesa State University cheerleading squad. Her goal is to see firsthand of the exploitation she believes exists. She makes the squad. The squad is headed up by Mary Ann (Colleen Camp), and features Lisa (Rosanne Katon), and Andrea (Rainbeaux Smith). The cheerleaders get nude a lot and have a lot of pre-marital sex with football players. Uh oh...woman's libber Kate finds she likes being exploited and having pre-marital sex with football players...and turns 100% cheerleader. This ticks off her former boyfriend, Ron, who arranges a gang-rape of Andrea...not that she will mind this.

Enough of Ron...he's so gauche! Through frolicking and flirting, Kate learns of a gambling conspiracy that could threaten Mesa State's undefeated season. She gets naked and intimate with the quarterback, Buck (Ron Hajak) and together, with the other cheerleaders, and all their nudity and frolicking, conspire to thwart the point shaving plan. Seduction, jumping around, pre-marital sex, and partying are all part of Kate's plan to fight evil gamblers. As ticked-off wives and gambling thugs seek to siss-boom-rah these beautiful cheerleaders, our gals just shake some more and flaunt their wares.

Will the beset cheerleaders frolic and jiggle enough to outsmart a dangerous gambling syndicate? Are there any cat-fights among our nubile cheerleaders in this plot?  Is the playful gang-banging of Andrea by left-wing campus radicals, something that may offend the modern PC crowd? This is a fun one and a much better film than anything Cate Blanchett has ever done. To stroke some prurient desires, don't apologize, and see "The Swinging Cheerleaders."