Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Private Property, Conspiring to Ravage

Kate Manx overdosed on pills four years after starring in 1960's "Private Property," directed by her husband Leslie Stevens.  This is quite a tragedy especially for those that admire stunning beauty.  Every move she made and every line she uttered oozed with seduction in this film.  Often clad in white, this, at times was a difficult to watch, as we knew what two neer-do-wells had planned for her.  The soiling of beauty and wholesomeness is on display in this vicious exploitation film.

The aforementioned neer-do-wells, Duke (Corey Allen) and Boots (Warren Oates) hit town.  As they are about to hit a filling station, the duo sees Ann (Manx) getting her car filled.  Ann pulls away and the duo carjack a salesman and his car to follow Ann home.  Boots is a virgin and Duke promises to fix it so Boots can make mad love to the blonde beauty.  The pair break into a vacant house next door and observe Ann from the window.  Ann spends her days swimming in the pool or sunbathing in a white bikini.  All seduction, all the time.  Uh oh, Ann is married to an insurance salesman, Roger (Robert Wark).  Ann wants to have sex with Roger and he always wants to go to bed.

Even after showing off her new white negligee, Roger is not interested in sex.  Duke makes his move.  While Roger is gone at work, Duke introduces himself as a landscaper and tries to win Ann's affection.  The shy virgin, Boots, gets impatient as he sees his buddy moving in on Ann.  Now Duke gets more aggressive as he senses Ann's sexual frustration with her husband.  Now Ann appears ready to go all the way.  Duke now has to deal with Boots, who insists on being the one to violate Ann.  Uh oh, the true nature of these two thugs starts bubbling to the surface and it is obvious that Ann's virtue and her life are in danger.

Will the naïve and sexually frustrated Ann escape the wrath of these two miserable brutes?  Can Duke afford to let Ann live after he allows Boots to rape her, or after he himself rapes Ann?  Will survival instincts kick in for our blonde babe enabling her to mount a defense to these criminals?  Kate Manx' beauty and allure carry this film.  The plot gets prurient and vicious as we really pull for the blonde clad in white.  For a weird erotic thriller, see "Private Property."