Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Acid Spitter

The homely Bertie Arbuckle, investigative reporter for The Sun.  For almost three years she has been on an investigative assignment to identify the elusive 'Acid Spitter," and to bring his evil deeds into public light. As irony would have it, she mistakenly crossed paths with 'Metalface' instead. Having never met a women he didn't dissect, 'Metalface' made quick work of the obese Bertie. Not fond of witnesses, he utilized his rusty logging tools on the fat woman, and separated her triple chinned head from her torso.
The head of Bertie Arbuckle
Now a trophy for a maniacal fiend, Bertie's head resides in a wooden box, destined to move from one unsuspecting town to another unsuspecting town at the whims of this hulk of a fiend. Wherever nubile females ply their trades, 'Metalface' will visit. As for the 'Acid Spitter,' he laughs hysterically every time he glimpses a milk carton with Bertie's photograph on it.