Thursday, July 9, 2015

Welcome to Thule Station

The paranormal....unusual phenomenon......monsters....UFOs....and other really weird subjects are what this blog is going to be about.  In the coming posts, I'll chat about ghosts, visitors from other planets, monsters, and some horror and science fiction.  I'll also discuss books, sometimes movies, and interesting people.  Please comment freely, and if you have an idea of something you'd like to see on Thule Station....reach me on Twitter ( @cjzisi ).
Oh yes!  Thule Station?  If you remember correctly, before Outpost 31 was overrun by the creature in "John Carpenter's The Thing," the Norwegian base was decimated by the same creature.  That Norwegian base...Thule Station.

-Christopher Zisi
also see my companion blog Zisi Emporium for B Movies ( )