Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Ohio River Ghost Ship

A luxury yacht built in 1902 is our example today of the adage, "All glory is fleeting." This ship has a heroic history as it was used during WW1.  During the war, it was knows as the USS Sachem and would outrun U-Boats in order to supply the UK with supplies. Even Ben Franklin enjoyed this one-time symbol of the good life for his experiments in communication and technology . In the 1980s, Madonna used this yacht in her music video "Papa Don't Preach."  Kayakers near Cincinnati are it's only modern day visitors.  The ship was originally known as The Celt,
In WW2, it was used to train sailors, and known as the USS Phenakite.  The last stop, before being abandoned, was New York City where it was used to ferry tourists as late as the early 1990s.  It may have graced New York, London, and Long Island but it will spend the rest of eternity in a remote area of Ohio. Are there ghosts on board......what do you think?    

1 comment:

  1. This is a tiny piece of history here, rotting away with so much history left behind down to the very weld and rivet of the keel. A great little article, however it has left me feeling heavy because of its discard into dilapidation. This is how the elderly in this country is treated regarded of all the histories they made, been a part of and carried; just so many discarded ships that braved the waters of life full of sharks and U-Boats.

    I really your new blog.

