Thursday, April 6, 2023

Hideout in the Sun, Nudes Frolicking and Jiggling

Nudes frolicking in the surf!  Nudes playing volleyball!  Nudes picnicking! Nudes falling in love! Nudes playing with...ostriches!!!  Wait!  Ostriches?  Are we sure they aren't emus?  Are the ostriches okay with this? Yes...juggling! What's jiggling?  Well...the naughty parts, of course.  Okay, I know what you are thinking.  This is a 1960 film...the dames are nude...the guys are, too.  However...where the gals are at one with the camera...the guys have their tally-whackers concealed by some well placed beach balls.  Nudes in danger! Today we look at "Hideout in the Sun,: directed by Larry Wolk and Doris Wishman.

Duke (Greg Conrad) and his brother Steve (Earl Bauer) rob a bank.  Now they are on the run. Fleeing the police, the brothers carjack the nubile and shapely Dorothy (Dolores Carlos).  She's clothed...but not for long. They force her to bring them to a resort she belongs to, The Hibiscus Country Club, where she has a cottage.  She does.  Guess what!  The club is a nudist colony.  Steve and Duke are now hiding in her cottage.  Steve, masquerades as her husband and sheds his clothes. Now Steve and Dorothy mingle outside among the nude.  Every women is a babe and every guy is a hunk.  A lot of volleyball and skinny dipping occur.  Frolicking with ostriches will also occur...don't ask.

Uh oh, Steve and Dorothy fall in love.  Duke is grouchy and shy and stays clothed inside the cottage.  There will be more ostriches and jiggling of private parts.  Beachballs will be played with and bouncing while jogging fills the silver screen.  Duke arranges for a getaway boat, but Steve and Dorothy continue to fall in love.  Duke will push the issue and aim to continue the getaway.  He also plans to take a boat to Cuba and dump Dorothy in the ocean when halfway there.  Steve is not so eager to do this. Dorothy will jiggle more and frolic nicely in the wind and surf.

Hard hitting reality at its best.  Will Duke ever take his clothes off? What is the difference between an ostrich and an emu among the nude?  Just where does a nude put the car keys of an escape vehicle when on the run from the cops?  Frivolous and gratuitous, "Hideout in the Sun" is a film that you may enjoy and never have to tell anyone you watched it.      

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