Thursday, August 27, 2020

Silk, Sultry Cop Mows Down Evil Men

Why call her Silk? As she tells us, "Because I'm so f***ing smooth." I figured that. She's a sultry Hawaiian cop who shoots a lot of guys, cars, and airplanes. In typical fashion, when she shoots an airplane or blows up. As for being smooth? Yep...and she'll have a penchant for pre-marital sex. Perhaps the definitive statement on women in law enforcement, 1986's "Silk," directed by Filipino exploitation king, Cirio H. Santiago. Shot in The Philippines and set in Honolulu, let us take a look at what proves to be a homicidal "Charlie's Angels."
Our film begins at a standoff at some sugar factory. The bad guys are holed up inside holding the cops at bay. Then Silk (Cec Verrell) arrives. The sultry femme-cop scales the factory, shoots a bunch of bad guys, chases the ones who escape, boards a freight train and gets in a shootout with the fleeing car beside the tracks...the car blows up. Yes. Okay, a bunch of criminals are getting off thanks to a crime lord, Austin ( Peter Shilton). Austin bribes witnesses...who later are murdered. Austin then uses the dead witnesses identities for Asian criminals fleeing their home countries. No matter...Silk is on the case with police captain Tom (Bill McLaughlin). Tom is a square-jawed hunk and will have a lot pre-marital sex with Silk.
With some luck, Silk and Tom figure out what is going on. Their nemesis, Austin, is also smooth...and wants Silk dead. Silk will chase more bad guys...shoot them, sometimes in the back, and have passionate sex with police captain Tom. In 2020 this would be considered harassment by the captain, but in 1986 it was still known as carnal fun making oneself marketable for promotion. Silk will then get in more gunfights and blow up more cars and an airplane. Uh oh...Silk discovers betrayal and peril abound. Thus she'll kill more bad guys and blow up more cars...until she herself is pummeled and taken prisoner.
Will Silk prevail against a smooth nemesis and then murder him? Does Silk ever have pre-marital sex with cops who are lower in rank than her? Does she blow up cars, shoot men, and beat up criminals because police captain Tom doesn't completely satisfy her in bed? Silk never smiles but this is okay because she looks really good...and she is so f***ing smooth. For some great exploitation from The Philippines, see "Silk."

1 comment:

  1. I recall seeing this movie or even read a review. Thank god the snow flakes haven't banned these movies, yet!!
