Monday, October 5, 2015

Mars has Flowing Oceans? .....I Doubt it!

Remember the blood moon/eclipse last week?  My wife and daughter were glued to NASA's web site to watch it.  Unfortunately, NASA's site went down.  Quickly they found the eclipse on sites of good citizens, unattached to the government. overly funded government agency that can't stand up a web cam to watch an eclipse. the way...NASA says there are flowing oceans on Mars.
The proof?  Well....they say so.  Never mind that NASA at one time told us global warming eliminated all the oceans on Mars.  Instead of a scientific agency, NASA has reduced itself to pushing over-rated Hollywood films.  No science necessary, as long as they have an opportunity to push "The Martian" which opens this fall, NASA puts out a pipe dream.
In the 1960s, President Kennedy told NASA to put men on the moon.  What did we get?  Men landing on the moon before the decade ended.  In 2009, President Obama told NASA to aggressively pursue a Muslim outreach.  What did we get?  The birth of ISIS, and non-scientific findings about flowing oceans on Mars. We've had Martian water.  Indication of frozen liquid on the polar caps, but no flowing oceans.  NASA needs to get out of the business of promoting the latest Hollywood films, and do what they were created to do.

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