Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Delvecchio's Fulcrum, Excerpt from my upcoming SciFi book

After publishing a book on horror poetry ("Escaping from the Institute"), it is time to move onto my next project.  In addition to horror, I have a love for science fiction...especially if it includes elements of horror.  I am in the preliminary stages of writing a book which will include short stories and a few poems.  I expect the book will be scary, humorous at times, and thought provoking.  Enjoy the following excerpt of a story I am writing, "Delvecchio's Fulcrum."  Incidentally, if you have a subject you would like to read a short story about, send it to me at .  I will, if you wish, credit you in the book as the inspiration of that story.
Like 10,000 unfortunate creatures before him, R.C. Krug's last words, uttered before a tortuous demise, were "What's the Delvecchio Fulcrum."  Now a rotting corpse, leaking and spurting various bodily fluids, R.C. a victim of life's miserable sense of humor.  The celestial navigators needed to work fast.  One of those higher beings grabbed the end of the fulcrum....another yelled "Delvecchio!," and the third hollered "Pull!"  The fulcrum now yanked loose from the late Krug's cranium, the beings departed with the blood-soaked curious device.  As the sirens from the approaching sheriff's department cruisers neared, Delvecchio's Fulcrum returns to it's proper astral dimension. 
My book of horror poetry can be found on, as well as the Amazon Kindle edition.  

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