There is a whole lot of wriggling and jiggling going on in this film. May I is a man's film! Burp, grunt, and scratch yourself...a movie for men who like Pabst Blue Ribbon and Camels. There are two sultry blondes in this film who were cast for their wriggling and jiggling abilities. Their plights? Well, let us just say you men will be pleased. For some gratuitous exploitation let us look at the rarely seen feature, 1968's "Jennie: Wife/Child," directed by Robert Carl Cohen and James Landis.
Jennie (Beverly Lunsford) is a sultry blonde 20-year-old wife. She married the much older farmer, Albert (Jack Lester). Albert has a bad heart and Jennie was convinced her wriggling and jiggling could have sent him to the hereafter after some vicious carnal activities. Oops, Albert hangs on. He is a miser and Jennie wants the finer things. She wants new sexy dresses, to go dancing, and sex with hunks...Albert is no hunk. Mario (Jim Reader) is a sweaty hunk and Albert's farmhand. Mario has orders never to go in the farmhouse or speak to Jennie. Jennie pushes the issue when Albert has his back turned. She does everything she can to seduce Mario to include gratuitous skinny-dipping. Mario sweats a lot and tries to avoid the no avail. Mario does like girls, and to Jennie's jealous self, he really likes town floozie Lulu (Virginia Wood).
Lulu, after many drinks and a naked motorcycle ride, seduces Mario and this does not please Jennie. In fact, the slightly older Lulu has more experience seducing and no husband. Wriggling and jiggling seem to be what floozie Lulu was born for. Albert humiliates Jennie by forcing her to engage in a very rigid type of marital sex. Jennie finally successfully seduces Mario, and has quite a roll in the hay with him. Now Jennie plots. She wants the finer things so bad. She plots a robbery of Albert, and an escape with Mario. Uh oh... this doesn't go well and now Mario and Jennie are in mortal danger. Enter Lulu again. Thank our lucky stars for Lulu...what she does next will shock and arouse you. Then the ending! Wow! We did not expect this...and us guys will be cheering! As wokeness is thrown into the ash heap of history, this film takes on great relevance.
Will Lulu and Jennie engage in what seems to be an inevitable catfight? Will a wriggling and jiggling competition lead to an orgy of all four characters in this film? Will rolls in the hay and skinny-dipping make comebacks as popular film tropes here in 2025? Seductive, gratuitous, and all entertainment, see "Jenni: Wife/Child."