Friday, April 12, 2019

New Reality Shows Trying to Find a Network

Not all reality shows see the light of day. A & E, Discovery, Lifetime, and HGTV can all have the opportunity to eliminate their dead weight and add one of these shows:

1) My Roommate the Squid (TLC)
2) Assistant Inventory Manager Wars (A&E)
3) Closets and Snake Pits (HGTV)
4) Diaper Genie Warriors (TLC)
5) IBS Intervention (Discovery)
6) Gretchen and Myles (Lifetime)
7) Salmonella Kitchen (Food Network)
8) Eating Pets (Food Network)
9) Peeling Scaps (Discovery)
10) Live to 24 Without Pain (QVC)

If you have ideas for new shows that top the above titles, let me know.