Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Naked Road, White Slavery and Nubile Babes

Back in the 50s dames with spunk were sexy.  We loved them as either femme fatales or women who refused to be victimized.  Today's "women" are hardly feminine, not dames, not even babes, and unlikable.  When a nubile young model is grabbed by evil white slavers, we care.  We don't want to see her corrupted.  Todays "women" have already been corrupted by American media and entertainment, and our colleges and universities. Bring back the babes of the 50s...when a dame knew how to be a babe.  Today we look at 1959's "The Naked Road," directed by William Martin.

19 year old Gay Andrews (Jeanne Rainer) is a sultry model for an advertising firm. Through no fault of her own a corrupt cop and a corrupt judge sell her to a white slavery ring headed by fat and greasy Wayne (Ronald Long). Wayne slips her a sedative as Gay thought he was helping her. Now Gay wakes up in a locked bedroom. Wayne explains that she will become one of his whores and if she cooperates, will earn $50K per year. If she doesn't cooperate, Wayne will have her killed. Mark (Art Koulias) is Wayne's muscle and is sent into the bedroom to intimidate an unwilling Gay. Gay refuses at every turn. Now Wayne figures on starving her and if that does not work will addict her to heroin.

Gay is still being difficult.  Mark is sent in to rape her but Gay will beat him up. Now Wayne seriously considers bringing out the heroin. All looks hopeless for Gay as she has been stripped of her clothes and must lounge around in a nightgown, white in color. Meanwhile we see Wayne's organization murdering the whores that stop putting out.  Mark just pays them visits and murders them.  Gay does not care, she is a spunky dame.  The "women" we have in films over the past 20 years are entitled and believe themselves to be "empowered."  These broads could learn a lot about toughness from Gay Andrews.  How does it end? You'll see, but you can believe our damsel in distress will be put in much peril.

Will Gay end up kicking Mark in the gonads?  Will men be sent into the bedroom to force the issue with a drugged out Gay?  Is Gay's refusal to compromise her morals a total contradiction to today's "empowered women" who have no morals to compromise?  This is a fine exploitation film. Alas, if the United States still had women like Gay Andrews we would not be losing status throughout the world. See "The Naked Road" and see what real dames are like.

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